Gitta Coaker, Professor
Department of Plant Pathology
576 Hutchison Hall
University of California, Davis
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 530-752-6541
Department of Plant Pathology
576 Hutchison Hall
University of California, Davis
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 530-752-6541

Tanya Chilcote, Lab Manager
I am responsible for general lab management and organization.
email: [email protected]
I am responsible for general lab management and organization.
email: [email protected]

Danielle Stevens, Graduate Student
I am investigating the tomato targets of secreted Clavibacter effectors and the importance of plant innate immunity in suppressing Gram-positive pathogen growth.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating the tomato targets of secreted Clavibacter effectors and the importance of plant innate immunity in suppressing Gram-positive pathogen growth.
email: [email protected]

Tianrun "Jerry" Li, Graduate Student
I am investigating citrus flagellin sensing receptors and novel PRRs.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating citrus flagellin sensing receptors and novel PRRs.
email: [email protected]

Jie Zhu, Postdoctoral Scholar
I am investigating heterogeneity of plant immune responses.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating heterogeneity of plant immune responses.
email: [email protected]

Yi-Chang Sung, Postdoctoral Scholar
I am investigating the function and mechanism of wheat tandem kinase 1 (WTK1) that confers resistance to wheat stripe rust disease.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating the function and mechanism of wheat tandem kinase 1 (WTK1) that confers resistance to wheat stripe rust disease.
email: [email protected]

Charis Ramsing, Graduate Student
I compare growth, genomics, and host range between pathogenic and endophytic Clavibacter isolates to elucidate gram-positive virulence mechanisms and pathogen biology.
email: [email protected]
I compare growth, genomics, and host range between pathogenic and endophytic Clavibacter isolates to elucidate gram-positive virulence mechanisms and pathogen biology.
email: [email protected]

Alba Moreno Perez, Postdoctoral Scholar
I am investigating the mechanisms that regulate the intensity of innate immune responses in plants.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating the mechanisms that regulate the intensity of innate immune responses in plants.
email: [email protected]

Mishi Vachev, Graduate Student (Co-Mentored by Dr. Steve Knapp)
I am identifying genes in strawberry that are responsible for resistance to a fungal pathogen.
email: [email protected]
I am identifying genes in strawberry that are responsible for resistance to a fungal pathogen.
email: [email protected]

Marta Bjornson, Project Scientist (Co-Mentored by Dr. Steve Knapp)
I am investigating genome editing for disease resistance in strawberry.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating genome editing for disease resistance in strawberry.
email: [email protected]

Esteban Jarquin Bolanos, Junior Specialist
I am investigating how PTI is involved in defense against Liberibacter.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating how PTI is involved in defense against Liberibacter.
email: [email protected]

Wendy Wong, Undergraduate Student
I make reagents and media, and help keep the lab running smoothly.
email: [email protected]
I make reagents and media, and help keep the lab running smoothly.
email: [email protected]

Jonathan Calzada, Undergraduate Student
I am investigating plant immune response to Clavibater in tomato.
email: [email protected]
I am investigating plant immune response to Clavibater in tomato.
email: [email protected]